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Ayurveda and Yoga are sister sciences that work mutually to support one another.
Ayurveda is intuitive medicine that considers the mind, body, and soul.
During your Ayurvedic Intuitive Consultation we will explore your health history, lifestyle, and detect any imbalances that may be affecting your overall wellness.
We will discover the root cause of imbalances through empowering questions and answers and create a personalized Fearless Goddess Personalized Plan, containing recipes, reflection questions, and yoga and fitness plan.
All guidance is compassionate and confidential.
After 30 days, we will check in and assess what is working and what we can do better.
90-minute consult and three 60-minute Follow Ups (must be used within a year) keep you accountable and help you track your progress through your healing journey.
Yoga means to yoke, to union.
In our society, we're always going, going. going. We don't take the time to stop, feel, and be present in our bodies. When you come to the mat, you take the time to put things down and be present to your true self and yoke your mind, body, and soul.
This life changing practice is most beneficial for life happening off the mat. It brings peace and steadiness if you commit to doing the work.
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Ignite the Goddess in YOU
Radiant Health Course
Yoga and Ayurveda are intertwined, they are sister sciences. It’s hard to imagine traveling down one of these paths without knowledge of the other. Ayurveda—which means “knowledge of life”—think of it promoting health and radiance. It is preventative health self care through diet and lifestyle. It is logical and intuitive but it’s not Woo Woo. It's based on the laws of nature, it keeps the mind body and spirit balanced. Yoga is an ancient practice that connects the body, mind and spirit. It builds awareness of the self. They both build our radiance and in practice, both paths overlap.
Radiance is our inner light, it’s our spirit. This is what we project out from the very core of our being. Igniting through the practices of yoga and Ayurveda an inner radiance often begins to pierce through our old layers of armour and we feel more like our Goddess self.
Most importantly I want you to feel empowered about your health and wellbeing. Ayurveda is the presence of health. Wellness comes through a relationship of self care, cultivating patience, commitment, passion and love. We get one body, learn how your body and mind work and
how to best support and nurture
them now and for the rest of
your life. With the group there more accountability and support.
The 8 weekly discussion modules we will dive into are👇
✨Doshas- learn your dosha and the qualities. How applying the opposite balances and by learning the qualities you see subtle imbalances before it’s a problem.
✨Lifestyle and diet- devise a doable routine to start seeing subtle changes. Create a Dinacharaya and stick with it for 8 weeks
✨Ayurvedic cooking together! *this week will start earlier to prepare our meal and eat together.
✨Yoga philosophy- A breakdown of Yamas and Niyamas and how they are applicable in our daily life.
✨Meditation -the positive effects on your nervous system. A night of restorative practice.
✨Pranayama- the many ways of life changing breathing. Move stuck energy out.
✨Journal Visioning = Awareness of what’s holding you back. If you don’t see it, you can’t change it. Let the new ignited energy in!
✨Pro aging beauty-hormones, rituals, home beauty and self care night.
Also includes 8 yoga classes, 1:1 consultation with optional PEMF therapy, weekly check support and more! SPRING SESSION STARTS 4/22 EARLY BIRD. Claim your spot for the SPRING session with $45 down, early bird sign up gets !0 percent off! Limited amount of spots. SIGN UP before 3/4 for your 10 percent discount!